
Hello, I'm Lloyd

This website is a personal portfolio and lab space where I can showcase my projects, experiment with new ideas, and share my thoughts and experiences through blogging. Please feel free to explore my recent projects, read my lab and blog posts, or connect with me through social media.

IPEN Plastic Map

A web application that visualizes the global distribution of plastic pollution data collected by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN). The map provides an interactive way to explore the data and learn more about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment.

IPEN Plastic Map

Cancer Monitoring Dashboard

A web application to visualise data for cancer incidence, deaths, and survival rates data, provided by the Federal Statistical Office (BFS). The visualisations are interactive tools to explore the data using filtering, tooltips, and focus elements.

Cancer Monitoring Dashboard

Competitiveness Outlook Data Hub

Data platform for centralising and visualising the key findings of the Competitiveness Outlook (CO) flagship publication series. The data hub represents the data, scores, and recommendations as interactive and visual stories, making them more understandable and engaging.

Competitiveness Outlook Data Hub

Outlier Micro Frontend

Web application for the localized schedule for the Outlier Conference. Full-stack NextJS application with a Postgres database. The application uses a micro-frontend architecture to allow for independent development and deployment of each section of the application.

Outlier Micro Frontend

Migration Inititives Map

Data visualization of projects and initiatives in the field of migration in Niger.

Migration Inititives Map

Effect: The Basics (Part 1)

Read-only Database in Next.js

Ghost Sockets

How to: Setup Lit with Tailwind

Mosaic Design

Optimized Nested Bubble Packing