With this lab project I wanted to explore of the usage of WebSockets across both the client and server side. The basic idea was to track cursor movements on the client side, send the data to the server, then the server would then broadcast the cursor movements to all connected clients. The result is a ghostly cursor that follows the movements other users make on the page.
With websockets, the client initiates a connection with the server. The server then broadcasts messages to all connected clients. The server also maintains a connection to a database to store records of users that have connected.
In this way its possible to build multiple http routes for various clients data streams, for example an Active User feed which would broadcast the most recent users and if they are currently active.
Building the server in Go was a fun and interesting challenge. Since it was
dedicated to the handling of events coming in from the client it made much more
sense to use Go then Node.js. The server is built using the gorilla/websocket
package which provides a simple API for building a WebSocket servers and the
simplicity of Go modules made separating the logic between the server, database
and manager.
├── 📁 client
│ └── 📁 src
│ ├── 📁 components
│ │ ├── 📁 ui
│ │ │ └── cursor.tsx # Cursor component
│ │ └── Dashboard.tsx # Main dashboard component
│ └── App.tsx # Main entry point for the client
└── 📁 server
├── 📁 cmd
│ └── 📁 api
│ └── main.go # Main entry point for the server
└── 📂 internal
├── 📁 database
│ ├── database.go # Database connection and CRUD operations
│ ├── migration.go # Database migrations
│ └── schema.go # Database schema
└── 📁 server
├── client.go # Client connection and message handling
├── event.go # Event handling
├── manager.go # WebSocket manager
├── routes.go # HTTP routes
└── server.go # Setting up the HTTP server
With the server built, the client was built using Vite, React and the
hook from react-use-websocket
. The hook provides a simple API
for connecting to a WebSocket server and sending and receiving messages.
export const Dashboard: React.FC<DashboardProps> = ({ username }) => {
const [players, setPlayers] = useState<Player[]>([]);
const { sendJsonMessage, lastJsonMessage } = useWebSocket(
{queryParams: { username }}
const handleMouseMove = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
type: "update_position",
{ x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY },
return (
<Cursor client onMove={handleMouseMove} />
<PlayerList players={players} />
The important part was setting up a system between the client and server where messages would have a type and payload. This allowed for the server to differentiate between different types of messages and act accordingly. For the time being this is just used to update the position, but can be easily expanded to include other types of messages.
type Manager struct {
Clients ClientList
db database.Service
handlers map[string]EventHandler
func (m *Manager) setupHandlers() {
m.handlers["update_position"] = UpdatePosition
// m.handlers["score"] = UpdateScore
// m.handlers["chat"] = ChatMessage
func (m *Manager) routeEvent(event Event, c *Client) error {
handler, ok := m.handlers[event.Type]
if !ok {
return errors.New("no handler for event type")
err := handler(event, c)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func UpdatePosition(event Event, c *Client) error {
var update UpdatePositionEvent
err := json.Unmarshal(event.Payload, &update)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("Update: %s -> x %d y %d", c.username, int(update.X), int(update.Y))
prevPos := Position{X: c.state.X, Y: c.state.Y}
curPos := Position{X: update.X, Y: update.Y}
vx, vy := velocity(prevPos, curPos, float64(update.Delta))
ang := angle(prevPos, curPos)
spd := speed(vx, vy)
acc := acceleration(c.state.Spd, spd, float64(update.Delta))
c.state.X = curPos.X
c.state.Y = curPos.Y
c.state.Vx = vx
c.state.Vy = vy
c.state.Ang = ang
c.state.Spd = spd
c.state.Acc = acc
for client := range c.manager.Clients {
return nil
Next Steps
Right now I'm pretty happy with the current state, but have lots of ideas for what could be done with the technology. Some ideas include:
- Force Driven Data Visualization -> Users can push and pull data points on a map.
- Maze Game -> Users can navigate a maze together.
- Real-time Chat Room -> Users can chat with each other in real-time, but only when they are close to each other.
I'm excited to see where this project goes and what other ideas I can come up with.